Nicholas Reynolds

My name is Nicholas Reynolds. 

I'm a Lecturer (~Assistant Professor) in Economics at the University of Essex.

I'm a labor and health economist, with a particular focus on the health and human capital of Americans.

Accepted and published papers

The Broad Decline in Health and Human Capital of Americans Born after 1947

Accepted at American Economic Review: Insights

I present evidence of a decline in the health and human capital of Americans beginning with cohorts born after 1947 and continuing until at least mid-1960s cohorts.

Increased Mortality of White Americans and a Decline in the Health of Cohorts Born after World War II 

Accepted at the Journal of Human Resources

The Paper Trail of Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from Patent Interferences 

with Ina Ganguli (UMass Amherst) and Jeffrey Lin (Philadelphia Fed)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

Working paper version.

Working papers

Mapping Inventions in the Space of Ideas, 1836–2022: Representation and Measurement 

with Ina Ganguli (UMass Amherst),  Jeffrey Lin (Philadelphia Fed) and Vitaly Meursault (Philadelphia Fed)

April 2024

The Broad Decline in Health and Human Capital of Americans Born after 1947 

Longer version of above AER: Insights paper, with a lot more stuff ... that I'm working on splitting into a couple shorter papers.

Almost working papers

Stunted Adolescence: The Anomalous Growth Pattern of Americans Born in the 1960s

Local Average Cohort Effects